Residential house natural gas backup generator.

4 Things to Remember When Using Your Generator During the Holidays

If your power goes out during the holidays, you can take advantage of a generator. This appliance can prove so useful, especially in situations in which you’re hosting guests, cooking big feasts, and trying to keep everyone in your home warm and comfortable. Here are four tips to keep in mind about using generators during the holiday seasons.

1. Get to Know Your User’s Manual

It seems obvious to say that it’s important to review the user’s manual, but many people don’t fully read these manuals. Since it can be risky to use a generator because of the amount of power involved, you need to read through this manual and make note of any safety concerns and guidelines for maintenance.

2. Test and Maintain Your Generator

It’s smart to test your generator before the holidays. This way, you’ll know ahead of time if you have any issues to address.

Check on the spark plugs, battery, oil and oil filter, and air filter. Spark plugs with visible cracks or damage as well as spark plugs that have been in operation for about 100 hours will likely need to be replaced. If the battery has corrosion on its terminals, you might need a new one as well. Consider investing in a battery tester so that you can tell when it’s time to replace your battery.

Also, filters need to be replaced regularly so that the engine can work efficiently, and oil should be replaced occasionally. Some oil can last about 50 or 60 hours, while other kinds of oil can last about twice that. Helpful information regarding maintenance can be found in the user’s manual.

3. Use the Right Fuel

We can’t overstate the importance of the user’s manual. It will tell you what type of fuel you’ll need to use. Be sure to follow those instructions because using the wrong kind of fuel or very old fuel could lead to significant problems with the generator’s engine.

4. Get the Right Equipment

Make sure your generator is hooked up properly, using the type of cords that can handle an intense amount of power. Depending on the unit that you invest in, you may need to use a grounding rod to ensure that everything stays safe in case there’s a power spike. In addition, you may need to install a concrete pad or something similar so that your generator can be situated away from the house and off the ground. Consider getting a cover for your unit so that it’s protected from the elements.

Safety Always Comes First

If you can rely on a generator when the power goes out during the holidays, you won’t have to alter your special plans too much. Be sure to maintain your generator and set it up the right way, placing it in a safe place with the right equipment and fuel.

If you need help with generator services in Conway or surrounding communities in Central Arkansas, contact our team at Money Electric, and we’ll be happy to assist you.